Forest School

Outdoor Learning

The concept of Forest Schools began in Denmark, where children learn about the natural world in outdoor settings. Studies have shown that children who participate in these activities develop higher self-esteem, stronger social skills, greater confidence in their abilities, and the ability to work effectively in groups.

Forest Schools play a crucial role in supporting children's personal, social, and emotional development. By engaging in exploration and hands-on experiences in nature, children build independence and confidence. These sessions are conducted in local woodlands, enabling regular exploration of nearby natural environments. We offer these sessions on a termly basis.

Our Forest School Site

Our Forest School Site is the Nature Garden in Mile End Park. The nature garden has a small wooded area where trees grow, a grassed area where wild flowers grow, shrubs, an open space, log piles for mini beast homes.

The site is safe and risk assessed daily by the Forest School Leader, (Forest School Leader is fully trained and qualified to teach outdoors), and managed by the Park Rangers.

Please speak to a manager for further information .

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